Equipping Station
Equipping Station is up and running again. Next date to set aside is Sunday 7th July at 3 pm
The equipping station is for anyone wanting to know more about the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and how they fit in today’s church. It helps equip people to discover, develop and demonstrate their ability to hear from God and thereby function in the Spiritual Gifts. Topics we cover range from character; growing in favour with God and man; prophecy; words of knowledge; tongues and interpretation of tongues; 5 Fold gifting – how these operate in the local church and working with leaders.”
1 Cor 12:27-28 Eph 4:11-12
The equipping station starts at 3 pm with afternoon tea followed by teaching and hands on experience with the various spiritual giftings.
Topics we cover range from character; growing in favour with God and man; prophecy; words of knowledge; tongues and interpretation of tongues; 5 Fold gifting – how these operate in the local church and working with leaders.
- Have you wondered if the gifts of the Spirit are for today’s Church?
- Are you someone who gets words but aren’t sure how to share them?
- When praying for someone, do you get pictures but don’t know what they mean?
- Have you struggled using your gift in church?
- How do I know if it’s God speaking to me?
- Does God speak to us through dreams?