Men's Dinner
If you’re someone who doesn’t like getting up early for a men’s breakfast but enjoys hanging out with the guys, then give some thought to a men’s night out.
Everyone buys themselves takeaways and then catches up on the latest. Our evenings can either be relaxing over a movie, watching teaching dvds, open discussions, guest speakers and not forgetting, sports nights.
Men’s Dinner is all about guys just being guys, hanging out together and learning who they are in God.
Men’s dinner every second Saturday of every second month at 6pm, usually at the Prez Centre. We sometimes run a Men’s Breakfast in place of the Dinner so check out our calendar to see which is happening. If you would like to know anything further please contact us.
Upcoming Events
8:30 am
Office closed
@ Presbyterian Centre
Office closed
@ Presbyterian Centre
Feb 17 @ 8:30 am – Mar 16 @ 2:30 pm

The office is closed due to annual leave. Bookings for the Centre are available by phoning the Church Office and leaving a message (if unanswered) on 06 278 0166. For urgent Church business please phone Wayne on 027 859 0544.